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      Inspired by a true crime case, the fictional six-part series "German Crime Story: Gefesselt" follows the story of one of Germany’s most notorious serial killers, the so-called "acid barrel killer." Raik Doormann strikes fear into the Hamburg area in the early 80s and 90s, as he kidnaps, tortures and brutally kills women in his own nuclear bunker. It is not until Nela Langenbeck, a victim counselor and later homicide detective, comes across clues to his deeds. But at that time, women within the police department are regarded more as secretaries than investigators - so she initially earned headshakes for her approaches. Against all odds, she eventually gets on the trail of Doormann and his gruesome deeds.


    • 已完结 白箱 剧场版 木村珠莉,佳村遥,千菅春香,高野麻美,大和田仁美,佐仓绫音,松风雅也,桧山修之,斋藤宽仁,滨田贤二,山冈百合,米泽圆,叶山郁美,田丸笃志,松本忍,间岛淳司,高梨谦吾,伊藤静,日野麻里,茅野爱衣,沼仓爱美,山川琴美,井泽诗织,小柳基,西地修哉,吉野裕行,小林裕介,中原麻衣,小伏伸之,兴津和幸,滨野大辉,高木涉,铃村健一,汤浅枫,室元气,樱井孝宏,横尾麻里,菅原雅芳,桥本千波,岩田光央,野濑育二,高桥李依,高桥伸也,保村真,小西克幸,江越彬纪,山本格,齐藤次郎,福岛润,庆长佑香,山岸治雄,春日望,金元寿子,菅
    • 更新至第03集 CPU辣妹 有馬克明,柊美冬,小西寛子,林延年,肥後誠,梅津秀行,山口由里子,三石琴乃,冈本麻弥,宫村优子,宮田始典,关俊彦
    • 完结 汪汪队立大功第九季 莉莉·巴特拉姆,Christian,Corrao,Lucien,Duncan-Reid,Justin,Paul,Kelly,金斯利·马歇尔,Jordan,Mazeral,Jackson,Reid,Berkley,Silverman,Tymika,Tafari,Frances,White
    • 更新至下集 机动战士高达 剧场版Ⅰ 古谷彻,铃置洋孝,古川登志夫,饭塚昭三,白石冬美,井上瑶,池田秀一,藤本让,小山茉美,柴田秀胜,银河万丈,玄田哲章,乡里大辅,广濑正志,清川元梦,户田惠子
    • 更新至第34集 公众应急知识 大陆动漫
    • 更新至第12集 叫我蒲小满 安安,蒲小满

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