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    Fran has had a pen pal named Lenny since the first grade. Fran and Lenny, through their letters, get along famously, almost like boyfriend/girlfriend. They agreed early on never to exchange photographs, but Lenny, coming to New York, wants to meet Fran in person. Maxwell is anxious to meet Lenny as he feels he's in competition with Lenny. Fran, on the other hand, is nervous to meet Lenny as she has exaggerated who "Fran Fine" is in her letters. But Fran agrees to meet Lenny at the Russian Tea Room, each identifying the other by the red rose worn on their lapels. Again, Maxwell is anxious to see Lenny, and accompanies Fran to the Russian Tea Room and stays with her until Lenny shows up. Fran and Maxwell are having a nice enough "date" of their own while they wait for Lenny, so nice that Fran almost doesn't care if Lenny shows up or not.


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