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      Inspired by a true crime case, the fictional six-part series "German Crime Story: Gefesselt" follows the story of one of Germany’s most notorious serial killers, the so-called "acid barrel killer." Raik Doormann strikes fear into the Hamburg area in the early 80s and 90s, as he kidnaps, tortures and brutally kills women in his own nuclear bunker. It is not until Nela Langenbeck, a victim counselor and later homicide detective, comes across clues to his deeds. But at that time, women within the police department are regarded more as secretaries than investigators - so she initially earned headshakes for her approaches. Against all odds, she eventually gets on the trail of Doormann and his gruesome deeds.


    • 已完结 秘密战队五连者 青色大要塞 誠直也,宮内洋,畠山麦,小牧りさ,伊藤幸雄,本田みき
    • 已完结 骷髅13 电影版 瑳川哲朗,纳谷悟朗,藤田淑子,富田耕生,小林清志,武藤礼子,富山敬,岛俊介,纳谷六朗,千叶耕市,乡里大辅,二又一成,千田光男,村越伊知郎,兼本新吾,泷泽久美子,林一夫,北村弘一,青野武,屋良有作,小宫和枝
    • 已完结 迷你偶像第二季 中村绘里子,长谷川明子,今井麻美,仁后真耶子,浅仓杏美,平田宏美,下田麻美,钉宫理惠,高桥智秋,原由实,沼仓爱美,若林直美,泷田树里,间岛淳司
    • 已完结 虚拟入口 INGRESS 中岛良树,上田丽奈,喜山茂雄,绪方惠美,新垣樽助,鸟海浩辅,利根健太朗,佐佐木启夫
    • 已完结 舞-HiME 中原麻衣,千叶纱子,清水爱,野川樱,进藤尚美,柚木凉香,能登麻美子,田村由香里,野上尤加奈,南里侑香,小林沙苗,新谷良子,斋贺光希,岩男润子,浅井清己,井上喜久子,木村亚希子,宫村优子,关智一,高桥裕吾,关俊彦,石田彰
    • 已完结 魔法少女奈叶StrikerS 井上麻里奈,中原麻衣,斋藤千和,高桥美佳子,田村由香里,植田佳奈,桑谷夏子,唐娜·伯克,百百麻子,久川绫,柿原彻也,升望,又吉爱,松冈由贵,水桥香织,中村悠一,成田剑,野上尤加奈,大川透,小野大辅,真田麻美,杉田智和,高森奈绪,柚木凉香,水树奈奈

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