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    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:未知
    • 分类:恐怖片
    • 地区:英国 
    • 年份:2014 
    • 更新:2021-06-21 17:35:35
    • 简介:Imagine what it would feel like to be the only black television star in Hollywood at a time when the KLU KLUX KLAN acted out violently against black p
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    Imagine what it would feel like to be the only black television star in Hollywood at a time when the KLU KLUX KLAN acted out violently against black people, when America groaned under the weight of segregation and prejudice. Imagine being in possession of a natural talent so great, so unique and disarming that these issues were seemingly swept to one side to allow you to perform and be acknowledged for this gift, yet behind closed doors they were trying to think of a way to package you as something you were not: white. 


    • HD中字 红色小提琴 卡洛·切基,让-吕克·比多,张艾嘉,Christoph,Koncz,杰森·弗莱明,塞缪尔·杰克逊,陶虹,吴珊卓
    • HD中字 谁看见她死去? 乔治·拉扎贝,阿妮塔·斯特琳堡,阿道弗·切利,多米妮克·波斯凯罗,彼得·沙泰勒,Piero,Vida,José,Quaglio,阿历桑多罗·哈伯,妮可莱塔·埃尔米,罗斯玛丽·琳特,Giovanni,Rosselli,Sandro,Grinfan,Carlo,Hollesch,George,Willing,Vittorio,Fanfoni
    • HD中字 迷雾之外 布莱恩特·哈利戴,吉尔·哈沃什,安东尼·瓦伦丁,德里克·福德斯
    • HD 四合屯的石头 李静,郭超,鞠庆洲
    • HD中字 午夜善恶花园 约翰·库萨克,凯文·史派西,杰克·汤普森,艾尔玛·霍尔,裘德·洛,艾莉森·伊斯特伍德,保罗•希普,Lady,Chablis,多乐·菲莱敦,安妮·哈尼,金·亨特,杰佛里·刘易斯,理查德·赫德,莱昂·里皮,鲍勃·冈顿,加里·安东尼·威廉斯,特里·罗哈斯,维克托·勃兰特,Patricia,Herd,尼克·吉利,帕特里卡·达博,J.帕特里克·麦克康尔马克,Emma,Kelly,Greg,Goossen,罗达·格里菲丝,Judith,Robinson,乔·安·普夫卢格,詹姆士·穆迪,迈克尔·罗森巴姆,科林·威克斯·
    • HD 陌路杀机 Radha,Mitchell,Josh,Lucas

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